Monday, March 31, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Teleprinter

They came into prominence during World War II - the image of people sitting at enormous devices, transmitting data slowly comes to mind. Though these machines are now more or less obsolete, they do have a grandchild that is still out there, helping deaf people communicate through the written word. It may not be as snazzy as a standard Blackberry but it certainly gets the job done.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Shrimpy!

Oh, little Shrimpy. I've had Shrimpy since the summer of 1987. He has been quite a dear friend since then - not just to me but to his older "brother" Goobie Bear. He's always getting into trouble, trying to trick Vampire Bear in one way or another - but you have to bear in mind that he always means well.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Steve McQueen

He is still frequently called the King of Cool. He was also well known as Bullitt. Apparently, his family's estate sued a clothing company for using his image and name to sell clothing. Hopefully they will not find a problem with our one dollar button. If they do, we will take it down immediately, of course. Until then, you can rock out with your Bullitt out. We'll miss you, Steve

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Young Yellowtail Sushi

Sushi has made its way back to the Daily One Inch Button - who's excited? Look for more sushi in the upcoming weeks. People just can't seem to get enough of our sushi, and with all that high quality protein, I honestly can't blame them. You can't beat the taste of young yellowtail sushi. Sweet and tangy, indeed.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Ian Beale

Twenty-three years - that's how long our man Ian Beale has been on EastEnders. By that, of course, it means that he has been on the show since the very first episode. From troubled teen to somewhat troubled adult, Ian has seen it all in Walford. Other Beale buttons are in the works, rest assured. The 25th anniversary button will be awesome. :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Daguerrotype Camera

As our friend wikipedia says, the Daguerrotype was the first commercially viable camera because hours of waiting weren't needed to take photos. One of my favorite photographs of Edgar Allen Poe actually was taken on this type of camera. When I was in photography class back in the day, I used to want to be able to use this kind of camera. Too bad ebay didn't exist - I could have gotten one. Alas.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Charles Bronson

He came from the most humble of backgrounds - he was one of many children, a father from Lithuania and a family that was so destitute that they struggled just to get by. Charles Bronson, it is said, went to Hollywood not because acting seemed glamorous but because he thought it could pay the bills.

Charles changed his given surname to Bronson to appear more American - important in those times of very strict anti-Communist thought. He went from being pretty well known around Europe to starring in the Death Wish series of movies, inspiring people to take up arms and fight their own vigilante battles. He was a great man, and he shall be missed. Wear him on your coat with pride.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Goobie Bear!

He has been a dear friend for nearly 22 years and now you can wear him on your coat, sports bag, or wherever else you may put your one inch buttons. He has countless songs dedicated in his name. Sure, they are mostly parodies of other songs ("Goobie Bear is not my lover / He's just a bear that likes rubbing noses with me / and have I mentioned that his name is Goobie? Bear.") He smiles and gives out love from his place on the button.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Future President Barack Obama

There he is. That's the face of the next President of the United States, G-d willing. Are you ready for things to start happening once again in this fantastically beautiful country called America? Are you ready to have a leader that will bring our troops out of Iraq and give us a healthcare system that not only works but is reasonable and affordable? I know that I am.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - EastEnders Phil Mitchell

Thought not quite as popular in the United States as it is in Great Britain for numerous reasons - the main one being that the show isn't broadcast in the US - plenty of people have a similar love / hate relationship with the Phil Mitchell. He seems to change love interests more often than the average person changes socks. He gives as well as he gets - well, he usually gives a lot better. Rock on, Phil!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - The Pager

I seriously used to have one of these. Nowadays they seem sort of... useless. What can you possibly do with a pager that you can't do with a mobile phone? Does anyone even make pagers these days? Even when I had one it rarely went off. Why? Because that's just how popular I wasn't. Also available with "Page me!" text - let us know if you want that one in the notes.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Vampire Bear is Cute!

He's adorable and he's the star of the hopefully soon to be updated more regularly web site Ask Vampire Bear! - and now you can wear his handsome self on a button. Isn't he just one of the most handsome bears ever? I mean, really!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Blackberry

Now that's what I call an addictive phone. Gets me on with my daily insane amount of text messaging, lets me do some web perusal while I'm out and about and keeps me from getting lost with every new iteration of Google Maps. I love that little blue dot.

Note that if you want your own phone provider represented on the phone we also have an AT&T version - and if you want something else we can surely accommodate - just let us know in the note section of the order.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Old Mobile Phone

My first mobile phone was a Nokia - I forget the exact number of the model but it was green and looked a lot like this button. It was before the era of everyone and their cousin sending text after text, before people on the bus thought it was okay to tell everyone else the latest goss about their Uncle Brosefer. Sometimes people would cover their mouths while speaking so people wouldn't hear them. (Some people still do!)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Daily One Inch Button : McCain Can't

My initial thought was to write "McCain't" but that doesn't quite roll off the tongue like this does. Actually some people think the stinker looks just fine sans text and if you're in that lot you are in lot : this button is also available without any words on it. Show your contempt for the man who wants to lead us into staying in Iraq for another 100 years - no backpeddling, sir! We have nothing but respect for your military service and everything you have done for this country but we don't need "four more years!"

Monday, March 10, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Royal Manual Typewriter

I bought a typewriter like this one in 1998 - it was a Royal manual. My grandmother obm took one look at it and laughed, telling me that when she was working at one job in Romania (sometime in the 1940s I think) they had one of those typewriters and it was considered old. Show your love for old typewriters with this button. More old typewriters to be added soon iy"H.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Barack Obama 2008!

If you haven't quite yet figured out that I love Senator Obama, you need to go back and read some more of our older entries. Barack the vote, everybody! If you don't want "four more years" - and if Senator Obama doesn't get the nomination, that's exactly what we are going to get.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Daily One Inch Button : The Digital Camera

When I was a kid I got a 110 camera and I was pretty pumped, to say the least. I didn't want to bother with the proper threading of cameras and this just let you pop in a cartridge and start clicking away. You were still a little apprehensive about taking photos - every shot cost a little money in the film and a little to develop, and we weren't exactly rich. Now you can take a thousand photos and delete them all without even thinking about it. Oh, the youth of today have it made. Am I getting old?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Daily One Inch Button : The Calculator

At first, we were supposed to be the calculators. That's how I think it was supposed to work. They taught us how to multiply, subtract, divide and add in school - not in that order. Then when we got older and we got into Calculus, suddenly it became okay to use the calculator to plot out certain functions for us.

How many of our friendly calculators get whipped out at restaurants? Personally, I use a pretty simple formula which makes my calculator a little sad and lonely.