Monday, September 24, 2007

Daily One Inch Button - Pyu Pyu Series - Morning Time!

This is the inaugural button in the Pyu Pyu series. What's a pyu pyu, you ask? Look at the button, silly - it's a rat. A very cute and adorable sort of rat, the sort that wants to be your very best friend. Wear this button with pride and look forward to more pyu pyu buttons to come out every week. :)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

i heart rummage

Today we were at the I heart rummage craft fair at the Crocodile Cafe in Seattle. we didn't sell as many buttons as I was hoping to sell but we made a few contacts, some of which are hopefully going to want to order from us in bulk in the future - which would more than make up for it, to say the least.

we were informed that people that come often get a following as it were. the fact that we are going to have new buttons and a better setup next time should be significant. :) we should also be better organized next time.

For everyone who came to the show and are visiting the site for the first time - welcome! We are always working on improving the site and welcome your comments.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Daily One Inch Button - Cholent!

Mmm... cholent. Tasty. Good just about every day of the week but, strangely enough, even better on Shabbos. Seriously.