Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Obama Fever!

Things have really been heating up for our man Senator Obama over the last couple of months. Contests previously thought a given to Senator Clinton went to Senator Obama - he now has a 10 contest streak and is leading in delegates even if you count the Super Delegates - some of which are starting to turn over to Team Obama. That would make a great button. :) If you're in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, or Rhode Island, be sure to vote for Senator Obama on March 4th!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Daily One Inch Button - Cute Fridge!

Where else are you going to keep your ground tofu? Your foods in need of refrigeration will be pleased to be in this very happy fridge! :)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Heart Rummage - Chop Suey, Seattle WA

For everyone wondering when they were going to be able to get some nice new one inch buttons in person your chance has arrived! The Daily One Inch Button (one day that will not be a misnomer, really) will be selling buttons at the I Heart Rummage craft show on Sunday, March 2nd.

Starting this month the show will be at Chop Suey.

Find Chop Suey here! :)